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Introducing AI to safety critical domains

Frequentis is investigating the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in safety-critical environments. By automating repetitive tasks, AI can save operators time in areas such as public safety and air traffic management. This can allow them to respond faster and more accurately, improving operator effectiveness and enriching their work experiences while ultimately saving lives.

AI Competence Centre

Data Science, enhanced by AI and Machine Learning (ML), will significantly influence our future solutions and products. From automating safety-critical workflows and guiding controllers or dispatchers, to enhancing data clarity and detecting anomalies, AI and ML offer a wide range of applications across our product portfolio. The Frequentis Group is actively involved in numerous research projects, and several products already incorporate AI/ML algorithms. 

To empower our R&D teams with these advanced technologies, we must share knowledge and data across the group. To achieve this, the Executive Board established the AI Competence Centre (AICC) in 2023, which provides a central hub for AI-related initiatives across the organisation. 

The AICC comprises worldwide Frequentis employees involved in data science, whether through research projects, product development, or specific customer solutions. By harmonising AI efforts across the organisation, exchanging expertise and infrastructure, and strategically developing our future product portfolio, the AICC enhances the integration and use of AI technologies to drive business growth and efficiency.


AICC's main responsibilities

showing the main responsibilities of the Frequentis AI Competence Centre graphically


Focus areas 

Product features

The AICC integrates AI capabilities into the company’s products. This involves close coordination with product managers to ensure AI initiatives align across different teams. By exchanging expertise and establishing a centralised group of data scientists and engineers, the AICC aims to enhance product functionality and performance. Within this key area, we will focus on decision intelligence, computer vision, and language processing. 

  • Decision intelligence 
    Decision intelligence combines AI with business intelligence to enhance decision-making processes. These technologies perform tasks such as predictive analytics, optimisations, simulations, and automations to ultimately make faster decisions with greater accuracy and consistency.
  • Computer vision 
    Computer vision is a field of AI concerned with visual processing by using machine learning algorithms. It helps computers process and interpret visual input from cameras, videos, or images as humans would. Applications include object detection, facial recognition, and autonomous driving. 
  • Natural Language Processing 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an area of AI helping computers to understand, interpret, and generate human written and spoken language through machine learning or deep learning techniques. Applications such as speech recognition, language translation and text generation use NLP.


New business development

The AICC identifies and develops new business opportunities that can be driven by AI technologies. The work helps internal departments optimise their operations, drive innovation, and ensure that AI technologies are effectively integrated and used across the organisation. 

Internal tools 

The AICC supports productivity enhancement and operational efficiency through AI. Coordinating closely with the IT department, the AICC aims to boost productivity, achieve efficiency gains through automation, improve operational processes, and generate content. By building on AI technologies to streamline workflows and optimise various internal operations, the AICC ensures that the organisation can operate more efficiently and effectively.


AI research initiatives

  • TADA (2024-2027) 
    Terminal Airspace Digital Assistant 
    TADA is designed to optimise Terminal Airspace (TMA) operations by using historical information collected from air traffic management. Using machine learning (ML) technologies, TADA helps decision-making in ways that complement human operators.


  • HARMONIC (2023-2026) 
    Harmonised network through smart technology and collaboration 
    HARMONIC, the successor to SlotMachine, aims to enhance air traffic management by developing a smart network that optimises airspace and flight-related constraints. This improves cost-efficiency, capacity, and flexibility while reducing fuel and user costs. SlotMachine provided a secure digital marketplace for airlines to swap flight slots using AI optimisation algorithms.

    For more details about SlotMachine, watch Frequentis SlotMachine Video or visit Frequentis research projects/CORDIS


  • SAFER (2022-2025) 
    Smart Assistant for Enhanced Remote Digital Tower – Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Air Traffic Management 
    SAFER aims to increase efficiency and ensure safety in remote digital tower operations through multimodal AI. It focuses on video-centric, multi-sensory object detection and tracking technologies. This project will develop innovative tools for reliable, real-time object detection and tracking, enhancing safety and operational efficiency in air traffic control.

    For more details about SAFER, visit FFG.


  • MobiSpaces (2022-2025) 
    New data spaces for green mobility - Moving towards mobility-optimised data governance 
    MobiSpaces delivers an end-to-end mobility-aware and mobility-optimised data governance platform. MobiSpaces uses AI-based mobility analytics to optimise the complete data path and increase energy efficiency. Frequentis is contributing to the project with VesselEdge, our maritime use case, as Andreas Reisenbauer explains here.

    For more details about MobiSpaces, visit CORDIS.


  • SlotMachine (2020-2022) 
    A secure digital marketplace for efficient flight allocation 
    Cost pressures and ever-increasing passenger demand require airlines to operate as efficiently as possible. An AI-enabled secure digital marketplace can enable different airlines to swap flight slots and achieve such efficiencies, without leaking confidential information. Frequentis uses an AI optimisation algorithm (a genetic algorithm) to find the best solutions. 

    For more details about SlotMachine, visit Frequentis research projects or CORDIS.


  • HARMONY (2020-2023) 
    Human-Assisted Real-time Monitoring of infrastructure and obstacles from railway vehicles 
    Through HARMONY, Frequentis is helping to create an intelligent monitoring system, which will help operators make decisions around maintenance and impact to operations. The project will process data from sensors and analyse human factors, extracting insights that drive greater system security and user acceptance. 

    For more details about HARMONY, visit FFG.


  • SINAPSE (2020-2022) 
    Software-defined networking architecture augmented with AI to improve aeronautical communications performance, security, and efficiency
    By harnessing AI, SINAPSE aims to accelerate the transition to intelligent connectivity. Through an IP network that incorporates predictive capabilities, SINAPSE will enable dynamic resource adjustment and robust protection against digital attacks. 

    For more details about SINAPSE, visit CORDIS.


  • Next Generation Safety (NGS) (2020-2022) 
    Using AI to control air traffic management (ATM) systems 
    NGS will focus on employing AI to boost the safety, reliability, and efficiency of ATM processes by optimising communications between air traffic controllers and pilots regarding situational awareness. The project aims to reduce stress and free up time for controllers, enabling them to concentrate in safety-critical, complicated environments. 

    For more details about NGS, visit Frequentis research projects or FFG.


Frequentis has a long history with AI

Flight Information Sharing Network2006, enables a generic infrastructure for highly reliable information sharing between heterogeneous data sources and sinks to provide decision makers in the ATM domain with the best available data.
Logo "semNOTAM"2013, provides filter capabilities enabling fine-grained semantic filtering and annotation (e.g. importance) of DNOTAMs.
Logo "best - achieving benefits of SWIM by making smart use of semantic technologies"2016, Semantic Container aggregate meta-data with ATM information, making it easier to find the exact information required and automate its distribution and replication.


Further information & contact

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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