ATM Surveillance Tracker & Server
ARTAS is one of the most advanced and successful surveillance data processing systems in the world. Almost every European state uses ARTAS as its surveillance tracker for en-route and approach applications. Available as a turnkey solution from Frequentis Comsoft, ARTAS processes surveillance data reports from classical primary and secondary radars, Mode-S radars, wide area multilateration systems to establish a coherent and accurate air situation picture for a wide range of users.
ARTAS at a glance
- Best-of-class surveillance tracker
- Used by almost all European ANSPs
- Proven quality and performance
- High accuracy and reliability
- Coherent surveillance coverage
- Seamless redundancy
- Centralised maintenance and support
- Under constant development to meet upcoming requirements
Key Features
High reliability & accuracy
The system enables interoperability and seamless operation by ensuring a common high accuracy of the air situation picture based on all surveillance technologies.
Supported surveillance data sources
ARTAS processes PSR, SSR, CMB, Mode-S elementary & enhanced, 3D radar, ADS-B 1090 ES, VDL mode 4, UAT, ADS-C feeds and multilateration data.
Range of track services
ARTAS provides periodic and radar-synchronised track services, as well as asynchronous complementary track services and immediate update feeds.
Many areas of application
ARTAS is intended for en-route, TMA and approach control.
Comprehensive service portfolio
Frequentis Comsoft is EUROCONTROL’s industrial partner for CAMOS, and offers turnkey ARTAS installations, ARTAS trainings and tracker tuning.
De facto standard
ARTAS enables interoperability and seamless operation by ensuring a uniform high accuracy for the air situation picture based on all surveillance technologies. Based on its architecture, ARTAS permits to separate the tracking functionality from the data server functionality, enabling powerful dedicated services for each of the ATC/ATM users, including customised services for TMA approach and en-route users or any of the safety net and metering applications.
As the de facto standard in Europe, ARTAS offers the potential to defragment system topologies as well as airspace, as ARTAS capacity is ready for the larger airspace volumes that constitute functional airspace blocks.
Centralised maintenance & support
ARTAS is backed by a powerful support infrastructure, the Centralised ARTAS Maintenance and Support Service (CAMOS) for which Frequentis Comsoft has been EUROCONTROL’s industrial partner since 2001. This includes a well-defined set of product services for ARTAS turnkey installations including standardized training programmes, tuning, maintenance and support services.
The EUROCONTROL ARTAS tracker is under constant evolution to meet the required levels of functional performance, and the CAMOS service enables a
very efficient approach with a centralised, common roadmap development and the regular provision of baseline software versions.