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Public Transport solutions leverage more than seventy years of experience focusing on safety-critical communications and applications. Cross-industry expertise gained from supporting control centre communication sets the foundation for industry-leading railway and urban transport solutions. With its strong position in operations communication, as well as incident and crisis management, the company also holds the number one market share in GSM-R dispatcher terminal positions; more than 10,000 units have been delivered to customer control centres in over 25 countries.


Salamander © NÖVOG
Train © ÖBB press picture
Marcel Haar stehend vor Bildschirmen, die einen Flughafen zeigen; er hält eine deutsche Fahne in der Hand
Sébastien Esteve und Mikhael Matar
Drone leaving drone hangar beside rail tracks

Europapremiere: Drohnengaragen ersparen künftig tausende Minuten Verspätung

Künftig werden Drohnengaragen über das Streckennetz der ÖBB verteilt, die wertvolle Hilfe leisten: Als erstes Eisenbahninfrastrukturunternehmen in Europa hat die ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG die Bewilligung erhalten, Drohnen einzusetzen, die auch ohne direkten Sichtkontakt mit den Pilot:innen gesteuert werden können. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Frequentis und mit Unterstützung von Austro Control wurde das innovative Projekt umgesetzt. Statt Mitarbeiter:innen zu Fuß in unwegsames Gelände oder verschneite Hänge zu schicken, werden künftig Drohnen aus einer nahe gelegenen Drohnen-Garage auf die Reise geschickt. Sie fliegen die definierte Strecke ab und senden in Echtzeit Bilder über den Zustand der Strecke. Dann können sofort die nötigen Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Je nach Fall können die Zeiteinsparungen durch die Drohnen Stunden betragen und Streckensperren minimiert werden. Fahrgäste und Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen können sich durch rasche Informationsentwicklung schneller auf die neue Situation einstellen.

„Die hangarbasierten Drohnenflüge sind die technologische Antwort auf das stark im Wachsen begriffene Drohnen-Ökosystem. Frequentis hat eine hochautomatisierte Lösung entwickelt, die in Leitzentralen und Arbeitsplätzen großer Infrastrukturbetriebe voll integrierbar und für die Mitarbeiter:innen unserer Kunden einfach anwendbar ist“, sagt Norbert Haslacher, CEO Frequentis. „Wir sind stolz darauf, gemeinsam mit den ÖBB Pionierarbeit zu leisten und in Europa die erste Genehmigung dieser Art für unseren Partner mitermöglicht zu haben.“

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Public Transport Virtual Control Room

Unable to visit us at trade shows? We have created an alternative - the Public Transport Virtual Control Room.

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The world has changed... As hybrid and remote interactions become more common, we have put our hearts and minds into creating a digital showcase that will allow you to explore our integrated portfolio, discover the latest industry trends, and learn more about our implementations and achievements around the world.

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Operations Communication

Railway operations are evolving – for the better. To excel in today’s world, where agility, efficiency, and safety are paramount, rail controllers need to be able to communicate with numerous stakeholders across different networks, such as GSM-R and LTE, and make well-informed decisions effortlessly. This is where Frequentis solutions come in, offering a unified dispatcher interface that unlocks greater flexibility to meet the challenges that railway control centres typically face.

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Railways around the world are leaving decentralised ways of working behind, moving toward consolidated control centres rather than relying on individual controllers at local train stations and signal boxes. Traffic management is being introduced and efficient cooperation of all stakeholders is key. Up-to-date operational data supports this collaboration, enabling railway controllers to seamlessly and efficiently manage operational resources, make better informed decisions, and communicate more precisely in every situation.

To achieve the required standardisation and centralisation, railway infrastructure companies must overcome a few common challenges – finding solutions that meet the needs of various current and future roles within the organisation, integrating with existing ecosystems, being ready for future add-ons, and the ability to be implemented with minimal disruption to live systems. With its fixed-terminal system platform, Frequentis can help to overcome these obstacles, migrating toward Future Railway Mobile Communication System, and facilitating any digital radio network for unified communication.


Operations Communication Manager: Revolutionising the working position

The Operations Communication Manager (OCM) delivers the tools to support a next-generation working position for railway controllers. OCM unifies communications within a single Frequentis Audio Hub and a role-specific user interface.


On track for smooth railway operations

Break down the silos of applications in railway operations to enable new levels of efficiency, safety and service continuity. By aggregating all relevant information that controllers need to ensure smooth railway operations within a single user interface, the Operations Communication Manager enables a user experience of a new kind.


Legal recording

By capturing every interaction between control centres and transport operators, public transport organisations can improve operational efficiency and investigation of incidents. Discover more about advanced safety-critical recording with DIVOS here.


Client References

SBB – Schweiz
Wiener Linien
Irish Railways

Incident and Crisis Management

Railways are committed to delivering highly reliable, safe and punctual train services. Any deviation caused by an incident presents challenges to regular operations and reacting incorrectly can result in service disruptions. A modern incident management system must mitigate this risk, facilitating prompt service restoration while adhering to relevant rules and regulations. The Incident and Crisis Management (ICM) solution is a combined information, alerting and recording tool for the operational management of incidents and emergencies.

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Towards centralised operations

The ongoing shift from decentralised to centralised operations requires a holistic solution tailor-made to the needs of railway operators that connects all relevant stakeholders and streamlines their incident management workflow. Based on a comprehensive product suite, this solution leads the operator through incidents and emergencies, instantly identifying internal and external stakeholders, automating and streamlining the communication process, while also logging every activity to satisfy legal requirements.


Efficient and effective incident handling

The Incident and Crisis Management solution introduces a resolution workflow based on the time, location and classification of the occurrence in order to allow operators in the control centre and staff onsite to efficiently handle planned events, operational and technical incidents, as well as emergency and crisis situations. Supporting centralised and decentralised incident management structures, this solution also ensures safety management system compliant handling, as well as documentation and reporting of incidents. It is the right choice for any railway company looking for a cost-effective tool that can be deployed within a short timeframe.

Together with CNS Solutions, member of the Frequentis Group, we make efficient and effective incident handling happen.

Legal recording

By capturing every interaction between control centres and transport operators, public transport organisations can improve operational efficiency and investigation of incidents. Discover more about advanced safety-critical recording with DIVOS here.

Public Transport Videos

How is Frequentis supporting railway organisations and railway infrastructure operators to resolve incidents and boost operational performance? Find out...

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How is Frequentis supporting railway organisations and railway infrastructure operators to resolve incidents and boost operational performance? Find out...

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Furthermore, you can find all videos on the Frequentis YouTube channel

Incident & Crisis Management for Railways

Discover how Austrian Federal Railways, ÖBB, and Sydney Trains have achieved successful incident management through centralsation and cooperation, allowing them to increase the speed at which incidents are resolved. The Frequentis Incident and Crisis Management solution is a combined information, alerting and recording tool for the operational management of incidents and emergencies. It leads the operator through events, instantly identifying internal and external stakeholders, automating and streamlining the communication process so that disparate teams can work together. It also logs every activity to satisfy legal requirements.

Frequentis Public Transport: Keeping railways on the move

More than 8,000 Frequentis dispatcher terminals are currently deployed in public transport control centres in over 25 countries. Discover how our globally recognised operations communication and incident management solutions support our customers´ safe and efficient train operations 24/7.

Incident & Crisis Management (Frequentis Explainer)

Train delays, capacity restrictions, accidents – railway incidents have negative impacts on regular rail operation. In a competitive environment, where rail companies must operate quickly, economically, reliably, punctually, and of course safely, incident management becomes a major differentiator.

Security (Frequentis Explainer)

Most control room operators have a strong focus on safety. Successful cyber-attacks can disrupt such critical procedures. IT security threats are one possible root cause for safety hazards.

Legislators globally have reacted to this problem by enacting new laws targeting cybersecurity of vital infrastructures. At the same time, integrating IT security practices with safety requirements is not necessarily easy as many common security practises conflict with safety. At times, organisations may feel that they are in a no-win scenario. So how can security be achieved in a safety-critical context?

Operations Communication

Discover our state-of-the-art fixed terminal system - FTS 3020 - with its end-to-end portfolio of dispatcher terminals, voice recording and management tools for all the needs of a modern control centre.


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